Budding Journalists Join the BBC School Report Big News Day

The Library at Harrogate Ladies’ College was a hive of activity today recently when it became an official Newsroom as part of the BBC School Report Big News Day. As part of their GCSE Project … Read Full Story

75% Gain Russell Group University Offers

Pupils from Harrogate Ladies’ College Upper Sixth have received a record number of offers for Russell Group universities for September 2016. Upper Sixth students worked closely with specialist Sixth Form tutors at College to submit … Read Full Story

Harrogate Ladies’ College Swiss Exchange

Harrogate Ladies’ College recently welcomed a group of Swiss Exchange Students to experience life at a girls-only school. The 11 pupils from Oberwalliser Millelschule St Ursula, in Brig, Switzerland, were hosted in Harrogate by girls … Read Full Story

Harrogate Ladies’ College National Schools Lacrosse Finalists

Continuing a fantastic year of sporting success, Harrogate Ladies’ College recently competed in the National Schools Lacrosse Championships and made the finals of their division.  The team played exceptionally well throughout the tournament against some … Read Full Story

California Dreaming For Harrogate Ladies’ College Skiers

27 excited pupils from Harrogate Ladies’ College set off on their journey to California for the bi-annual ski trip at the start of half term. With unusually high temperatures for the time of year, the Lower … Read Full Story

Celebrated Performance of Dylan Thomas Classic

Harrogate Ladies’ College drama students amazed and enthralled audiences recently with an imaginative production of Dylan Thomas’s classic ‘Under Milk Wood’. Surpassing the huge success of ‘Anne of Green Gables’ last year, the two sell … Read Full Story