Looking for something specific?
We’ll be opening the doors to our family of schools again on Friday 2 May – why not come along and find out what makes us different!
To register, please click the link below or email admissions at admissions@hlc.org.uk
Please explore our online open day experience for Nigerian applicants
Our school has a long history of educating girls from Nigeria and they are always highly respected members of the school community. Our Nigerian students regularly achieve sought after leadership roles within the school and go on to secure places at top UK universities. A recent Deputy Head Girl from Abuja studied a Masters at London School of Economics and Politics.
We never underestimate how challenging it can be for international families to choose a school, particularly if you are not able to visit us in person. We hope that the videos and information linked to this page will help to give you a better understanding of who we are as a school and how we can support your daughter.
We hope you’ve found the information and resources in our on-line open day for Nigerian applicants useful. To find out more please contact our Admissions Team on +(0) 1423 537045 or email admissions@hlc.org.uk. Alternatively please complete the form below.