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Harrogate Ladies College main building

Book a tour of Harrogate Ladies’ College

join us at one of the UK’s leading all girls schools

We understand that choosing the right school for your child, whatever age they are, is a very individual process.

We are always happy to arrange personal tours either as a follow up to an Open Morning or as a first step towards considering one of our schools.

Tours are arranged for any day and any time to suit you and your family.  They are arranged for parents to visit on their own, or with children – whichever feels right for you.  During a personal visit you’ll get to spend one to one time with key members of staff including the relevant Head.  You’ll also get to see the school in action on a normal teaching day and have a personalised tour to meet your individual needs. 

To arrange a personal visit please contact our Admissions Team on 01423 537045 or email admissions@hlc.org.uk.

    Name of child *

    Date of birth *

    Name of parent *

    Contact email address *

    Contact telephone number *

    Enquiry details *

    How will we use your information?
    We collect, store and use your personal data in line with the General Data Protection Regulations. We’ll use your data to contact you in relation to your enquiry about our school; to invite you to attend relevant events about joining our school such as Open Mornings; and to process your child's application to join our family of schools. We may contact you by post, email, telephone or text message. Data may be shared with companies and individuals contracted by us to carry out specific projects on behalf of the Harrogate Ladies' College. We will never sell your data to anyone.

    Download our Privacy Notice for Parents

    By submitting this form, you confirm that you are happy for us to use your data for these purposes. Please contact the Admissions Office on 01423 537045, or email admissions@hlc.org.uk if you have any questions regarding your data and how we might use it. You have the right to change your preferences at any time.